Joignez-vous à l’équipe d’Elevate Aviation en tant que bénévole dès aujourd’hui! Nos équipes de bénévoles passionnées sont essentielles à la réussite de nos programmes à l’échelle nationale.
Nos bénévoles sont au cœur de notre mission, qui est d’inspirer et de donner aux gens la capacité d’action dont ils ont besoin dans le monde de l’aviation. Que vous soyez passionnée pour le service communautaire ou que vous souhaitiez explorer les possibilités du monde de l’aviation, il y a une place pour vous chez nous.
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Qui peut être bénévole? Si vous avez une passion pour l’aviation et un désir de servir la communauté, nous vous invitons à faire du bénévolat avec nous! Nous accueillons des personnes de tous les horizons, que vous soyez aux études et que vous désiriez acquérir de l’expérience, une professionnelle souhaitant rendre service ou une retraitée désireuse de rester active, nous serions ravies de vous compter parmi nous.
Que vous ayez une expérience dans l’industrie du transport aérien ou simplement la passion d’aider les autres, nous avons une place pour vous. Ensemble, nous pouvons atteindre de nouveaux sommets.
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Intéressé(e) à en savoir plus sur le rôle de chef d’escadre?
Aile québécoise

Melissa Haney – Quebec Ambassador
Melissa is an Inuk pilot with Air Inuit, and currently a captain on the Dash-8. She is from Inukjuak, Quebec a small fly-in only community on the Hudson Bay. In 2001, she became a flight attendant with Air Inuit. Her love of aviation blossomed with seeing what the pilots were doing as she saw Nunavik from a different angle, she then decided to take the jump and get her pilot licence. Finishing all her courses, she started flying the Twin Otter with Air Inuit and moved up the ranks. In 2016 she became the first female Inuk to reach captain, in 2017 the Canadian 99s honoured her with a commemorative stamp. She now mentors young women and Indigenous youth in aviation and is the Air Inuit Sparrow co-ordinator that sponsor Nunavik Inuit to obtain their pilot licence.

Olivia Corriveau – Quebec Community Lead

Chloé Viola – Quebec Community Lead
Aile nord

Jamie MacDonald – Northern Mentor Lead
Jamie est pilote pour Buffalo Airways à Yellowknife, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, sur Curtiss C46 Commando. Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario Jamie has a dream to one day fly the Lancaster Bomber in the neighbouring city of Hamilton, inspired by her great grandfather who served as a Rear Air Gunner on the Lancaster Bomber during WW2. After graduating in March 2018 from an IATPL program in Southern Ontario, she flew a single engine commuter aircraft for a local company before moving to Yellowknife that May. She enjoy the northern lifestyle and what it has to offer; hiking, fishing, exploring, and volunteering at the NWTSPCA in her spare time.
Aile de l'Alberta

Avi Ghosh – Alberta Community Lead
Avi (Avishikta Ghosh) is a MET at De Havilland, Canada, and a member of WIA, Canada. After completing her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India, she moved permanently to Canada in the Fall of 2017. Avi has been working in the Aerospace industry since February 2019. As a kid, she always dreamed to be in this career as she was inspired by her grandfather who was a decorated Flying Officer in the Indian Airforce and won the Presidential Medal for his extraordinary contributions in service to the nation. She also wants to be a recreational Pilot herself someday. She wishes to join the RCAF as an AERE officer in the Reserve. When she is not working, she likes to be in nature, hiking, cycling, and swimming. She also enjoys cooking and trying out new cuisine. Presently she resides in Calgary with her husband and 3 naughty cats.

Lauryn Beeb – Alberta Mentor Lead
Lauryn, une passionnée de la nature originaire de Whitehorse (YT), est technicienne en avionique chez De Havilland Canada (DHC). Elle a grandi avec quatre frères et sœurs et s’adonne à des passe-temps comme la randonnée, le kayak et la motoneige. Lauryn began her career with an apprenticeship to Air North, where she discovered her passion for avionics. After graduating from SAIT’s Avionics Technology program in 2019, she worked with Viking Air Ltd manufacturing the Twin Otter series 400. She later joined Longview Aviation Services (LAS) working on the CL-215T waterbomber conversions. LAS transitioned into DHC, and Lauryn took on the role of Avionics Lead/Project Ambassador for the Twin Otter Classic 300-G program. She is currently pursuing a Project Management Professional Certification to enhance her project planning skills using her avionics background.

Maryam Taherinezhad – Alberta Mentor Lead
Maryam est titulaire d’un doctorat en génie mécanique de l’université de Calgary, où elle s’est spécialisée dans le contrôle des véhicules aériens sans pilote. Avec plus d’une décennie d’expérience en ingénierie mécanique, elle a excellé dans la recherche et le développement dans divers secteurs, notamment l’avionique, la robotique et le secteur de l’énergie. Maryam a dirigé de nombreux projets novateurs et se passionne pour l’éducation et le leadership, ayant enseigné des cours d’ingénierie et encadré des ingénieurs en herbe. En tant que co-mentor principale pour l’Alberta, elle se consacre à l’autonomisation des femmes dans l’aviation et à l’inspiration de la prochaine génération d’ingénieurs.
Aile de la Saskatchewan

Candace Pardo – Saskatchewan Mentor Lead
Aile Manitoba

Rocio Bautista – Manitoba Ambassador

Laura Matheson – Manitoba Mentor Lead
Laura est copilote sur Dash 8 100/300 et vole dans le nord du Manitoba et le nord-ouest de l’Ontario. Laura is passionate about promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in aviation, as well as sharing her knowledge, network and experience with aspiring pilots. In addition to her roles within Elevate Aviation, she has held leadership roles with The Webster Memorial Trophy Competition, The Ninety-Nines, Inc., particularly the Professional Pilot Leadership Initiative.
Outside of aviation, Laura enjoys spa days, making others laugh, art galleries and time with her beloved cat.
Aile Atlantique

Crystalle Laamanen – Atlantic Ambassador

Becca Rosborough – Atlantic Community Lead
Becca est titulaire d’une licence de technicien d’entretien d’aéronefs (TEA). Elle est tombée amoureuse de l’aviation à l’âge de 11 ans, a rejoint les cadets de l’air et n’a jamais cessé de travailler pour atteindre ses objectifs. Becca graduated from Nova Scotia Community College in 2015 and moved to New Brunswick to work as an AME, acquiring her M1 license and filling a number of different positions including Maintenance supervisor. Becca has been volunteering with the Air Cadet Program and helping to get Post Secondary women involved in the trades for many years now. Becca is now an AME at Ocean Side Aviation Ltd in Halifax and is passionate about helping women find their footing in the aviation world.

Kaitlyn Harvey – Atlantic Mentor Lead
Growing up I always loved going to the airport and watching aircraft but I never really knew what opportunities existed in the aviation industry. When I was 12, I joined the Air Cadet Program, I learned all about aviation and was given many opportunities to explore different aspects of aviation. I grew up in Newfoundland and completed the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technician Program at the College of the North Atlantic. I currently work as an Avionics Non-Certifying Engineer at Jazz Aviation. I recently received my AME-E licence and am working towards my AME-M2 licence. As well as being an AME, I am also a CIC Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, working with the cadet program. I have seen first hand how women are not always treated fairly in the aviation industry and I hope to be able to challenge others to make the industry welcoming and accessible for everyone. I currently live in Nova Scotia with my cat, Bailey. When I am not working or helping with the local cadet unit, I enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors (camping, hiking, and much more), baking and decorating cakes.
Aile militaire

Maj Jacklyn Zacher – Military Ambassador
Le major Jacklyn Zacher s’est enrôlée dans l’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC) en 2009 en tant qu’officier de contrôle aérospatial (AEC). Maj Zacher was posted to 4 Wing Cold Lake in 2012 following her Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) control training. After an extended posting at 4 Wg, Maj Zacher was posted to 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD) as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Commander. In 2022, she was posted within 1 CAD to the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) as a Senior Operations Duty Officer (SODO). Maj Zacher is passionate about promoting diversity, equity and inclusiveness. In her free time, Maj Zacher enjoys being adventures with her wife and two young sons as well as playing hockey.

Sarah Getz – Military Community Lead

Leslie Blair – Military Mentor Lead
National Ambassadors

Kathleen Henderson – Airport Ambassador
Kathleen Henderson a travaillé dans les aéroports de Winnipeg, Regina, Nunavut, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Edmonton, Kindersley et Iqaluit. She has worked for air carriers, airport authorities, territorial and federal governments as well as being an entrepreneur, business owner and consultant. Employed as the Senior Manager for Security and Environment Committees for the Canadian Airports Council (CAC) Kathleen is currently on a leave of absence from the CAC and working as the Manager of COVID-19 Response for the Government of Nunavut. Kathleen provides a voice for Elevate Aviation to share our projects, advancements and needs with key airport representatives across Canada.

Cassandra Hepp – Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Lead
Cassandra Hepp est ingénieure en maintenance d’aéronefs M1/M2 et a obtenu un diplôme en maintenance d’aéronefs au SAIT de Calgary en 2016. Pendant son séjour au SAIT, elle a été fondatrice et présidente de l’Association des étudiants en aviation, a remporté le prix Gold de la SAITSA et le prix du choix du doyen en 2016. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme, elle s’est dirigée vers le nord pour poursuivre son apprentissage à Fort Smith, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, où elle est tombée amoureuse du Nord. Elle a déménagé à Yellowknife en 2018 et a obtenu ses licences M1&M2 AME en mars 2019. Cassandra a passé 6 ans à travailler dans l’Arctique canadien, voyant et expérimentant des parties du nord du Canada que seule une poignée de personnes ont l’occasion de voir. Elle est actuellement ingénieur en chef de la maintenance des aéronefs chez Heavy Aero à Edmonton, en Alberta. Cassandra est très passionnée par la diversité et l’inclusion dans l’environnement de travail de la maintenance aéronautique, et son objectif est d’influencer la culture du lieu de travail dans le hangar pour que tout le monde se sente bienvenu et inclus.