
Congratulations on starting your career path!

We want to help you through the training or new hire process as you start your career in aviation.

We will pair you with a mentor as close as possible to you in location and career choice. Your mentor will be your cheerleader and be there for you to answer questions, provide encouragement, and just be someone to talk to about the challenges you’re facing.

Getting into aviation is going to be an exciting adventure, but a challenging one. By having a mentor, you have someone who can relate to what you’re going through and give you tips and tricks of the trade. At Elevate Aviation, we believe that having a fantastic network of support goes a long way in this industry and your mentor will be your first connection.

Each of our friendly mentors offers guidance and advice to women who are interested in any career in the aviation industry. They are there to help prepare you and support you through every step of the way, from application right through until you’re gainfully employed in the job of your dreams.

Not quite sure on your career path? Go back a step and ask us questions in the Taxi stage.

< Taxi

Already established in your career and are interested in learning how to be a mentor? Head over to the Enroute stage! 

Enroute >

If you would like to register for Takeoff, simply fill out the form below.